Your Team is designed to bring together a group of people who
work closely to get things done. A Channel is a dedicated section within a Team to keep conversations organized by a specific topic, project or component. Any files you share in a channel are stored in SharePoint. Channels are most valuable when extended with apps that include tabs that increase their value to the members of the team.
When you create a Team, the default channel created is the General channel. You do not need to create any more channels to use Teams in regards to chat, audio and video conferencing capabilities or to store files, but as you become more comfortable with the core functionality of Teams you may want to separate a particular workstream or discussion.
To create a Channel, go to your team and select the three dots to the right of the Team name.
In the Create a Channel dialog box you will add a name for you channel, an optional description, choose a privacy setting and be able to check the option for Automatically showing the channel in everyone’s channel list.
The Privacy option allows you to choose between Standard and Private. Standard allows everyone on the Team to access the Channel and Private will allow you to restrict access to only a certain group of people within the Team.
Check the option to Automatically show the channel in everyone’s channel list. Click Add to create the Channel.
Your Channels will be added under the General channel. Select the three dots to the right of any channel name to manage Channel notifications for posts and mentions, Manage Channel for who can start a new post, get a link to the Channel to send in an email or to edit the channel properties. You can even use the Get email address to send an email to the channel to start a post to which people can respond.