Start YakChat
Click on the horizontal ellipsis icon (…) in the Teams toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen.
Then select YakChat
Note: this should already be ‘pinned’ to your toolbar but, depending on your screen size and the limitation of the number of icons that can be displayed, you made need to look for More added apps.
Microsoft Sign In
The first time you run the YakChat app, you will need to sign-in with your Teams email and password. You will also use these credentials to login to the YakBot.
Pin to Sidebar
Your YakChat app should already be pinned from the NYSED ITS installation. If needed, you can right-click the YakChat icon and select Pin to add YakChat to the sidebar.
New Message
Click on the New Message ‘plus’ icon + in the Messages tab.
Enter Number
The new message will now be displayed. In the top bar of the message
window, type in the cell phone number that you want your
message to go to.
Compose Your Message
Now you can type your message in the Type a message box. You will find this at the bottom of the message window.
Send Your Text
Click on the send button or press Return on your keyboard to send the message. The status of your text will then be shown in the lower right-hand corner of the message bubble. A single checkmark indicates that your message was sent. A double checkmark indicates that your message was delivered.