Managing Contacts in YakChat for Teams

Adding a New Contact

Select the Contacts tab and click the plus + to create a New Contact. Enter the contact information and click on the Save Contact button at the bottom of the screen.


Sending a Message to a Contact or Multiple Contacts

You can right-click on a contact to pull up a Send Message option but, you must first select the contact - left-click and then select Send Message. To select multiple contacts, use the CTRL key and left-click to select multiple names in your contact list. Then right-click to choose Send Message. When sending to multiple contacts, your recipients will not see any contact information for other recipients, and they will not know that it is a group message. When someone replies to this group message it will open into its own message window to help manage your conversations.


Deleting a Contact

To remove a contact from your list, you must first select the contact, then right-click on the contact and select Delete.


Importing Contact Information

You can import a .CSV file to populate your contact list. YakChat provides a template called Contacts.csv that will provide you with the proper format and order the data needs to be arranged. Select the + New Contact as shown above to bring up the Import Phone Numbers CSV tab. The click the Click here to download Template of Adding Contacts link.


In the following screenshot, the Contacts.csv file has been downloaded and a simple text editor is being used to add the contact information needed before the file is imported. Row or Line 1 is the header information and also serves as a reminder of the order the contact elements need to be arranged if using this type of method.


Remember, the PhoneNumber field must be a valid cell phone number capable of text/sms messaging. Your assigned phone number that displays on the phone of the person receiving your YakChat message is a virtual number and will allow you to view responses and does not accept phone calls – only text/sms messages from other cell phones, not other virtual numbers that your colleagues who are using YakChat will have as well. Use Teams messaging for those types of communications.


You can also use Microsoft Excel to create your .csv file as shown here in the next screenshot. Again, Row or Line 1 is the header information.


Again, the format or column order is Email, PhoneNumber, FirstName, SurName. If you do not have an email address or a last name for a particular contact, you can leave that field blank and the import process will populate the contact information with what it has available. First, use the Choose File button to browse for your Contacts.csv file. Once the file has been selected, click the read.csv button to import your contact list.


Important Note: There is a limit of 100 contact records that can be imported at a time. If the need arises to import more than 100 contact records just split them up into Contacts.csv, Contacts2.csv, etc. and repeat the process above.