Getting Started with Microsoft Teams

Getting Started with Teams

You can access teams through the web by navigating to: using your NYSED login credentials, or through a Teams client installed on your desktop.


Your NYSED issued Windows 10 computer may already have the Teams client installed. If using the web-based version of Teams, you will be given an option to download the Teams desktop application when you sign in. The desktop download option will be in the lower left-hand corner of the Teams web app in your browser.


The Teams desktop app and web-based versions have some minor differences in features and anything of importance will be addressed in this publication. Once you have Teams open, located in the lower left-hand part of the window you should see a Help mceclip1.png button.

From the help menu there are very helpful Training videos, and an excellent Topics section that is a great for answers to your questions on issues like Types of Teams, Teams Creation, basic functionality like meetings and files as well as the ability to browse other help topics.

Creating or Joining a Team

To create or join a team select the Teams icon mceclip4.png , then click the Join or create a team mceclip5.png button. You will be able to select a team type and we suggest that you choose the team type Staff for School administration and development for the purpose of getting started with the District Office model outlined above. You will then be prompted to create a team name and select whether your team is private or public. Private – means that only team owners can add members. Public – means that anyone in your organization can join. Choose Private as you will want to restrict access to your team and maintain confidentiality of certain topics in the future. The team name and description are visible to everyone in the agency, so keep that in mind when creating you team. While there are no official guidelines at this time for team naming conventions it is suggested that your first team created for the district office personnel be something like: 01-Albany District Office, 05-Syracuse District Office, etc. As your staff become familiar on how Microsoft Teams can be leveraged in your business setting and as each SVRC or VRC creates a Team to manage their own workflow (if needed), the DOM or DOC may wish to create internal guidelines on Teams naming conventions moving forward.