To build your team constituents, you will add members.
From the left navigation bar, select Teams and you will see the three ellipsis (dots). Access the options by clicking the dots next to your Team name and from the options menu select Add Member. Team members that are agency personnel and have NYSED accounts can be added by typing in their name. As you type an agency staff person in the add members dialog box, it will auto complete based on entries in the NYSED user directory (Fig. 4). After you select the user to add, click the Add button. You will be adding members and guests to the General channel.
Once a member has been added, you have the option of making this member an Owner of the Team. You can have as many Team Owners as you like, and the Owners can function as administrators for the Team who can assist in adding members and guests and manage Teams settings. This is a useful feature in building your team as staff personnel can share the workload of adding members and basic administrative responsibilities.