Copying a YakChat Conversation and Pasting into CaMS

Copying from a conversation

It is important to note that there is no built-in Copy button nor is the Right-Mouse-Click available during this operation in YakChat. You will need to use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl+C to copy the conversation or parts of it.  

Go to a conversation you would like to copy and using your mouse click and drag to highlight all or parts of the conversation. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy this information into a virtual clipboard.



Pasting into CaMS

Inside of CaMS or if you wanted to paste into a Word document you will have the ability to use the Right-Mouse-Click and get access to the Paste function or you can use the Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+V

Navigate to the section or case note in CaMS where you would like to have a record of the conversation and Paste the information from YakChat using either Ctrl+V or Right-Mouse-Click and select Paste.
