You can add as many of your contacts to a group text as you like. By adding multiple contacts to an initial conversation, you can easily send the same message to multiple folks at once.
The best part of sending a group message besides the convenience, is that those people receiving the messages are unaware that this it is a group message. They will not see anyone else's contact information AND any responses become INDIVIDUAL conversations for you to read which are associated with each contact you added to the group text.
Start a New Message
Click New Message to create a new conversation window.
Click to Add Contacts to the Group Message
Select as many contacts from your list as you like to add each individual to the initial conversation.
Review Who is in the Group Message
If you like, you can use the tiny....yes it is tiny...scrollbar in the upper right corner of your message window to scroll through and verify who is included in this group text.
You are all set! Type your message and send. Each response will come back as an individual conversation associated with the contact in your group list.