How To: Setting AWARE User Preferences


Aware allows users to set preferences for the various modules they are authorized to use. Users can use the Staff module to make these selections or the Preferences button on the top of the Main Menu. This document outlines setting your application preferences through the Preferences button located on the Main Menu in the upper right corner after you log in. Also, anyone with access to the Staff module can set their own personal preferences.


Datapage Display

The Preferences page consists of a single section: 1. Staff Preferences and displays a list of settings users can customize. Each setting includes a help link, which displays a description, valid options, the default setting, an indication of where the setting is used and additional notes, if applicable.


Preference Categories

The Staff Preferences page displays preferences grouped by a Preference Category.


By default, the following categorization is applied:

  1. The General category includes preferences that apply system-wide such as Theme. It also includes preferences that were not given a category.
  2. The Accessibility category includes preference related to increasing the accessibility of the system.
  3. The remaining categories represent modules. The Participant module is listed first because it is the most used, and the remaining modules are sorted alphabetically after that

Preference Settings

Within each category, settings are listed by Staff Preferences Display Order. A setting only displays if it is used by the agency.


A description of each preference is available by clicking the Help action. This approach keeps the Preference page easy to scan through quickly.