How To: Calculating Number of Days

How To: The step-by-step instructions below will show you how to use the calculator app in Windows to calculate number of days between dates. This is very useful for things like figuring out Closer date, Extensions and much more...

Credit to Andrew Tunison, SVRC, Binghamton DO for showing the team this gem!


1.01   Get your first date

  • I want to figure out how many days since Eligibility for my participant.
  • I look at the Eligibility date:


1.02   Launch the Calculator App in Windows

  • In Windows, click the Start button. Scroll down to the “C” section in the All Apps list, and you can then access the Calculator program.


1.03   Select Date Calculation

  • Click the mceclip2.png symbol on the Calculator to Open Navigation and then select Date Calculation.


1.04  Choose From Date

  • Click the From date calendar to choose your first date.


1.05  Choose To Date

  • Click the To date calendar to choose your second date.


1.06  Read Your Calculated Difference

  • The Date Calculation function will display how many days difference between From date and To date.mceclip7.png.